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  > About Nola Drazdoff > Teacher Tributes > Jack Boland Event Calendar
Jack Boland
Jack Boland was the founder of the Church of Today in Warren Michigan (Now called Renaissance Unity.)

I moved to Michigan in late 1986 and met Jack in 1987. I attended his church every Sunday and Wednesday night for the year that I lived in Detroit. After leaving Detroit to return to the west coast I continued to receive his Wednesday and Sunday teaching tapes until he made his transition in 1992. I have subsequently purchased almost every tape that I can get of his past sermons and teachings!!

Jack Boland

I have used the Mastermind Goal Achievers Journal that Jack created since 1987. It is a marvelous and powerful tool for living a fantastic life.

Jack's steadfast teaching of spiritual principle has had a dramatic impact on my life. Hearing an inspiring teacher of impeccable character moves me to live a better life, to be a better person and to try and make the world a better place.

I have quoted Jack Boland more times than I could begin to count. His teachings have helped me immensely and I continue to 'turn people on' to Jack! His teachings continue, these many years after his physical transition.

Jack made his transition on March 4, 1992. His death caused me to reflect upon what meaning his departure from the planet held for me. It was then that I made the decision to leave my software development career, put spirituality at the center of my life and seek to be of maximum service to God and my fellow human beings!

I will always be eternally grateful to God for getting me up early that first Sunday morning that I saw Jack Boland on television and started my journey into the world of Unity and new thought. It was a pivotal and profoundly important life event! Thank you God. and to quote Jack, "And that's the way it REALLY is!"

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